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Albedo Effect

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6 recommended articles and videos in the "Albedo Effect" category.
1.  Report: A hotter, wetter Arctic spells trouble for everyone  


View In: Albedo Effect
The planet's “refrigerator” is breaking, scientists warn.

2.  World faces ‘terminal’ loss of Arctic sea ice during summers, report warns  


Climate crisis | The Guardian
View In: Albedo Effect
The dramatic vanishing of polar ice sheets will cause catastrophic sea level rise that will threaten cities, according to a major new studyThe climate crisis has pushed the planet’s stores of ice to a widespread collapse that was “unthinkable just a decade ago”, with Arctic sea ice certain to vanis...

3.  The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979 - Communications Earth & Environment  


View In: Albedo Effect
Over the past four decades, Arctic Amplification - the ratio of Arctic to global warming - has been much stronger than thought, and is probably underestimated in climate models, suggest analyses of observations and the CMIP5 and CMIP6 simulations.

4.  'Off the Scale': Warmer Arctic Ocean Fueling Climate Feedback Loop Faster Than Previously Known  


Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
View In: Albedo Effect
“This is one of the scariest reports I have ever seen,” said one climate scientist in response to new study.

5.  Guest post: Why does the Arctic warm faster than the rest of the planet?  


Carbon Brief
View In: Albedo Effect
While the Earth’s surface as a whole has warmed by around 1.2C since the industrial... The post Guest post: Why does the Arctic warm faster than the rest of the planet? appeared first on Carbon Brief.

6.  Record-High Arctic Temperature of 38°C 'More Befitting the Mediterranean,' UN Warns  


Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
View In: Albedo Effect
“This new Arctic record is one of a series of observations... that sound the alarm bells about our changing climate.”

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