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6 recommended articles and videos in the "Permaculture" category.
1.  How to Fix a Broken Ecosystem  

Fighting climate change requires restoring ecosystems. Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison explains the process for repairing a degraded ecosystem. We begin with the metrics for assessing ecosystem health, and then go over the steps to triggering biological activity and ecological succession. Via @FaithSlayer202@Twitter.com

2.  The farmers restoring Hawaii’s ancient food forests that once fed an island  


View In: Permaculture

15. The farmers restoring Hawaii’s ancient food forests that once fed an island


View In: Permaculture
Maui is a hub for GMO research, but Indigenous farmers are trying to bring back the abundant and thriving landscapes of their ancestors.

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

3.  Amazing 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest Part i  

They transformed a neglected piece of land into a thriving ecosystem of native and exotic trees where birds and insects live in abundance, and they harvest 70% of their food with little effort. Via @FaithSlayer202.

4.  Magical 28-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest Part II  

Now that the garden is mature, they have less work, donate more plants to others, and are contributing to the world by teaching others about the forest garden model. Now they are branching out to exchange food locally. In the long run the world needs to move from industrialization, to humans managing and being part of forests. Via @FaithSlayer202.

5.  When wheat never dies  


View In: Permaculture
Could commercially viable and tasty perennial crops like Kernza be regenerative agriculture's holy grail?

6.  The Biggest Little Farm Trailer  

An excellent movie about how to run an environmentally sustainable farm. I learned so much from it.


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