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British Petroleum (BP)

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3 recommended articles and videos in the "British Petroleum (BP)" category.
1.  BP Faces Backlash Over Plans to Spend Much More on Fossil Fuels Than Green Energy  


Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
View In: British Petroleum (BP)
BP has worked hard—and spent big—to craft a public image as a forward-looking, environment-conscious oil and gas company that's committed to a sustainable future.But its actions tell an entirely different story.The Guardian reported Tuesday that the London-based fossil fuel giant has earmarked up t...

2.  BP criticised over plan to spend billions more on fossil fuels than green energy  


Climate crisis | The Guardian
View In: British Petroleum (BP)
Company’s oil and gas investments for 2023 will be as much as double those on renewablesBP has been accused of prioritising fossil fuels over green energy as it plans to spend as much as double the amount on oil and gas projects than on renewable investments next year.The FTSE 100 company has earmarke...

3.  BP declines to reveal how much ‘loophole’ saved it in windfall tax  


Climate crisis | The Guardian
View In: British Petroleum (BP)
MPs hear concerns that investment in North Sea oil and gas reduces the tax, effectively rewarding fossil fuels over renewables BP declined to reveal how much windfall tax it would have paid without an investment “loophole” when being questioned by MPs on Tuesday, while fellow energy group SSE raise...

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