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7 recommended articles and videos in the "Municipalism" category.
1.  Ex-diplomat Carne Ross: the case for anarchism  


View In: Municipalism
How a high-flying diplomat and Middle East adviser lost his faith in western democracy – but put his trust in people power

2.  The Communalist Library  


View In: Social Ecology
A library of resources about or related to Communalism, Libertarian Municipalism, Democratic Confederalism and Social Ecology.

3.  What is Social Ecology? Environmentalism Alone Won't Save the Planet  

The best introduction I have seen to social ecology and the ideas of Murray Bookchin . While every part of nature plays an important role, capitalism only extracts, and does not give back. We have to move away from a capitalist system in order for nature to be able to continue to support human life. 30 minutes long, so I am still looking for a shorter introduction to social ecology. Via @Faithslayer202

4.  Wouldn’t You Say? – Community Self-Government  


Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
View In: Municipalism
Do you know what’s not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? For one thing, government by the people. The post Wouldn’t You Say? – Community Self-Government appeared first on CELDF.

5.  The Communes of Rojava: A Model In Societal Self Direction  

In Syria, democracy works brilliantly by devolving power to the local community as far as possible. Get ready for a huge culture shock. At first I could not relate. It took me a day to fully appreciate what they have done. Via @FaithSlayer202. 43 minutes.

6.  Murray Bookchin turns 101 years old  


Green Pages
View In: Social Ecology
January 2022 marks the 101st birthday of Murray Bookchin. He is the pioneering thinker, author, educator, and activist behind the political philosophies of social ecology and libertarian municipalism, and a huge influence on the foundation of the US Green Party and the global Green movement. Bookchi...

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