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Global Forests

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29 recommended articles and videos in the "Global Forests" category.
1.  UK consumption putting enormous pressure on world’s forests, MPs warn  


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UK consumption putting enormous pressure on world’s forests, MPs warn

The Environmental Audit Committee said the intensity of the UK’s consumption on the world’s forest is higher than that of China

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

2.  Forest fires: A record year  


View In: Global Forests

Since the beginning of 2023, wildfires have released some 6.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide, according to GWIS

That compares to 36.8 billion tons from fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal & cement

As a rule, around 80 percent of carbon generated by the forest fires is then reabsorbed by the vegetation which grows again the next season.

The remaining 20 percent then builds up in the atmosphere, contributing the climate change

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

3.  Surge in extreme forest fires fuels global emissions  


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Surge in extreme forest fires fuels global emissions

Climate change and human activities have led to more frequent and intense forest blazes over the past two decades

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

4.  The world’s forests may be shrinking as climate change pushes them northward  


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The world’s forests may be shrinking as climate change pushes them northward

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

5.  Study finds individual extreme forest fires can lead to global impacts  


View In: Global Forests

Study finds individual extreme forest fires can lead to global impacts

warned of the risks of artificially introducing absorbent particles into the stratosphere.

This could strengthen the positive phase of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation, which is associated with flooding in northern Europe and droughts in southern Europe

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

6.  Wood Pellet Giant Enviva Discloses a Financial Crisis  


Inside Climate News
View In: Global Forests
A financial crisis has enveloped Enviva, the Maryland-based company that’s been harvesting large swaths of forest in the Southeast United States to make wood pellets for electricity production in the United Kingdom and Europe. Enviva calls itself the world’s largest producer of biomass wood pellets...

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