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Climate Education

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5 recommended articles and videos in the "Climate Education" category.
1.  GreenComp The European sustainability competence framework  


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The development of a European sustainability competence framework is one of the policy actions set out in the European Green Deal as a catalyst to promote learning on environmental sustainability in the European Union. GreenComp identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes to help learners develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote ways to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet and for public health. This work began with a literature review and drew on several consultations with experts and stakeholders working in the field of sustainability education and lifelong learning. The results presented in this report form a framework for learning for environmental sustainability that can be applied in any learning context. The report shares working definitions of sustainability and learning for environmental sustainability that forms the basis for the framework to build consensus and bridge the gap between experts and other stakeholders. GreenComp comprises four interrelated competence areas: ‘embodying sustainability values’, ‘embracing complexity in sustainability’, ‘envisioning sustainable futures’ and ‘acting for sustainability’. Each area comprises three competences that are interlinked and equally important. GreenComp is designed to be a non-prescriptive reference for learning schemes fostering sustainability as a competence.

2.  ‘Face it head on’: Connecticut makes climate change studies compulsory  


Climate crisis | The Guardian
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Enshrining the curriculum in law insulates the subject from budget cuts and culture wars related to the climate crisisStarting next July, Connecticut will become one of the first states in America to mandate climate change studies across its public schools as part of its science curriculum.The new la...

3.  Terra Mission - Gynzy  


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In collaboration with Gynzy, Life Terra has developed a teaching package based on this vision, in which students learn, among other things, how they can actively contribute to a sustainable society. This unique curriculum Terra Mission is also available in Gynzy!

4.  Introduction to Cooperation Studies  


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Climate change, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, environmental protection and remediation, preservation of human rights... the biggest problems of our time are problems of cooperation, the lack of it, obstacles to it, and ways to work around those obstacles. This syllabus introduces the fundamental work in several disciplines that underpin what science now understands about cooperation

5.  Education for Climate Coalition | Education for Climate Coalition  


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Join the community! register & explore  The European participatory community for students, teachers and education stakeholders to act collectively on innovative education solutions for environmental sustainability.  

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