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China Collapse

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3 recommended articles and videos in the "China Collapse" category.
1.  China’s property market is in freefall. What does this mean for the world economy? | Keyu Jin  


The Guardian
View In: China Collapse
The sector is dangerously overheated – but unlike the 2008 financial crisis, the global ripple effect is likely to be limitedThe property sector in the Chinese economy has always been something of a puzzle. At its peak, it accounted for a quarter of the nation’s economic output, broadly measured. An...

2.  China Launches 200 Billion Yuan Bailout Of Reeling Housing Sector  


Zero Hedge News
View In: China Collapse
China Launches 200 Billion Yuan Bailout Of Reeling Housing Sector Lately not a day passes without some China stimulus headline (with a lot of zeroes but not enough to reverse the sharp slowdown in the world's 2nd biggest economy) and today was no exception. With China's property sector shrinking wit...

3.  China's Power Demand To Surpass Record Amid Heatwave  


Zero Hedge News
View In: China Collapse
China's Power Demand To Surpass Record Amid Heatwave A persistent heatwave in China has pushed power consumption to record levels in some areas and even forced rolling blackouts, with new indications demand will continue to rise.  Bloomberg quoted He Yang, director of China's National Energy Administration'...

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