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China Collapse
China’s property market is in freefall. What does this mean for the world economy? | Keyu Jin
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China’s property market is in freefall. What does this mean for the world economy? | Keyu Jin
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China’s property market is in freefall. What does this mean for the world economy? | Keyu Jin The sector is dangerously overheated – but unlike the 2008 financial crisis, the global ripple effect is likely to be limitedThe property sector in the Chinese economy has always been something of a puzzle. At its peak, it accounted for a quarter of the nation’s economic output, broadly measured. An... Read more at: https://UncensoredNews.US/china-collapse #communities #economics #asia-pacific #china #world-news #housing #business #chinese-economy #china #foreignpolicy #military #government
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