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California Police

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5 recommended articles and videos in the "California Police" category.
1.  California city sued for First Amendment violation after cops arrested someone for filming them  


Reclaim the Net
View In: California Police
Rights groups argue citizens have a right to film police. The post California city sued for First Amendment violation after cops arrested someone for filming them appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

2.  UPDATE: Santa Clara begins tracking police military equipment  


San José Spotlight
View In: California Police
Santa Clara took a step toward police transparency Tuesday when the City Council approved a new policy determining when and how its police department will be allowed to use military-level equipment. The policy, which the City Council approved unanimously, guides how the Santa Clara Police Departmen...

3.  Private SoCal Prison Remains Open Despite Ban  


View In: California Police
Despite President Biden's ban on private prisons, a for-profit private prison in San Diego, California, is attempting to remain open.

4.  Looters Raid Union Pacific Trains In Los Angeles, Searching For Amazon And UPS Packages  


Zero Hedge News
View In: California Police
Looters Raid Union Pacific Trains In Los Angeles, Searching For Amazon And UPS Packages California leads the way in transitioning the US into what could be considered a third-world country. Progressive leadership in the state has lowered theft of $950 or less from felonies to misdemeanors, allowing fo...

5.  New report reveals who gets stopped by the police in California  


View In: California Police
Officers searched, detained on the curb or in a patrol car, handcuffed, and removed from vehicles more individuals perceived as Black than individuals perceived as white, even though they stopped more than double the number of individuals perceived as white than individuals perceived as Black.

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