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201 recommended articles and videos in the "California" category.
1.  How Atmospheric Rivers May Cause a “Biblical Flood” that Can Drown California.  

50/50 chance of this happening within 40 years. By my favorite climatologist @PaulHBeckwith@Twitter.com

2.  The biblical flood that will drown California  


View In: How Bad Will California Flooding Get?
And take America’s most precious farmland—and Disneyland—with it.

3.  Study: Los Angeles’ major flood risk is much higher than previously thought  


View In: How Bad Will California Flooding Get?
A 'hundred-year flood' would disproportionately affect the county's Black communities.

4.  As heat wave grips Western states, officials warn of blackouts  


View In: California Exteme Weather
The ongoing drought was already hitting electricity generation.

5.  California Gov. Newsom Reaped $10.6 Million In Campaign Cash From 979 State Vendors Who Pocketed $6.2 Billion  


Zero Hedge News
View In: Gavin Newsom
California Gov. Newsom Reaped $10.6 Million In Campaign Cash From 979 State Vendors Who Pocketed $6.2 Billion By Adam Andrzejewski, author of OpenTheBooks substack California Governor Gavin Newsom has quietly solicited millions of dollars in campaign donations from state vendors, key people, employees...

6.  CA Gov. Newsom Threatens to Veto Farmworker Union Bill as He Buys $14.5M Vineyard in Napa Valley  


Democracy Now!
View In: Gavin Newsom
Hundreds of farmworkers concluded a 24-day march to Sacramento spanning 335 miles to demand California Governor Gavin Newsom support legislation that would make it easier for farmworkers to cast their ballots in union elections by mail. Newsom has threatened to veto the bill, which would keep farmworker...

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