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California Justice

Police, Courts, and Prisons

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16 recommended articles and videos in the "California Justice" category.
1.  California city sued for First Amendment violation after cops arrested someone for filming them  


Reclaim the Net
View In: California Police
Rights groups argue citizens have a right to film police. The post California city sued for First Amendment violation after cops arrested someone for filming them appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

2.  UPDATE: Santa Clara begins tracking police military equipment  


San José Spotlight
View In: California Police
Santa Clara took a step toward police transparency Tuesday when the City Council approved a new policy determining when and how its police department will be allowed to use military-level equipment. The policy, which the City Council approved unanimously, guides how the Santa Clara Police Departmen...

3.  Woman killed and four others injured after man opens fire on bus in California  


The Guardian
View In: California Crime
The bus, bound for Los Angeles, had stopped in Oroville when the 21-year-old passenger began shooting as people exited the vehicleA man opened fire in a Greyhound bus Wednesday evening, killing a 43-year-old woman and wounding four others as the vehicle stopped in northern California.As the Los Angeles-boun...

4.  How Oil Lobbyists Continue to Exert Influence on California Regulators and Lawmakers  


California Expose
View In: California Legislature
Emails show how the industry weakened emissions legislation and pushed back on cap-and-trade reforms. The post How Oil Lobbyists Continue to Exert Influence on California Regulators and Lawmakers appeared first on .

5.  California says it’s starting to close country’s second-biggest death row  


The Guardian
View In: California Prisons
State will move those in San Quentin’s death row section to other prisons within two years, officials sayCalifornia is moving to dismantle the second-largest death row in the US, three years after the governor placed a moratorium on executions.The state will move all incarcerated people in the deat...

6.  Dozens of guns among items stolen from LA train cargo containers  


The Guardian
View In: California Crime
Police captain: ‘God knows how many guns have been stolen’Thefts from Lincoln Heights rail yards have made headlinesDozens of handguns and shotguns were among items stolen by thieves from cargo containers aboard trains near downtown Los Angeles for months, authorities said.Police arrested three peopl...

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