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Microsoft Monopoly

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6 recommended articles and videos in the "Microsoft Monopoly" category.
1.  Federal Officials Sue to Stop Microsoft Merger in Major Antitrust Move  


Truth Out
View In: Microsoft Monopoly
The FTC says the $69 billion merger would be a huge consolidation of industry power.

3.  Microsoft to become third-largest video game company through $68.7 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard  


World Socialist Web Site
View In: Microsoft Monopoly
The acquisition is a major step toward the monopolization of the video game industry by a handful of companies.

4.  Microsoft Brings a Cannon to a Knife Fight  


Big by Matt Stoller
View In: Microsoft Monopoly
Microsoft is buying Activision in a $69 billion deal to reshape video gaming. Meanwhile, government antitrust enforcers are gearing up to stop mergers just like this.

5.  Will Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard finally bring scrutiny on the video game industry? | Akin Olla  


The Guardian
View In: Microsoft Monopoly
The video game industry is bigger than the film and music industries combined – yet has faced far less scrutiny than major tech companies like Facebook and GoogleMicrosoft recently announced plans to purchase Activision Blizzard – one of the world’s largest video game companies – for nearly $70bn, makin...

6.  Avoiding antitrust scrutiny, Microsoft is taking over large segments of the gaming market  


Reclaim the Net
View In: Microsoft Monopoly
Microsoft's acquisitions are going to have major impacts on the gaming market. The post Avoiding antitrust scrutiny, Microsoft is taking over large segments of the gaming market appeared first on Reclaim The Net.

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