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2 recommended articles and videos in the "Kurds" category.
1.  Joe Biden’s Betrayal of the Syrian Kurds is as Great as Donald Trump’s  


View In: Kurds
The callousness of President Donald Trump’s betrayal of the Syrian Kurds was shocking. A little phoned-in flattery by his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan was all it took for Trump to greenlight a Turkish invasion of portions of northern Syria that the largely Kurdish Syrian Defense Forces controlled...

2.  As ISIS Recovers, Syrian Kurds Push for International Backing  


Antiwar dot com
View In: Kurds
As ISIS Recovers, Syrian Kurds Push for International Backing | SDF doesn't think it is strong enough to maintain fight with ISIS The post As ISIS Recovers, Syrian Kurds Push for International Backing appeared first on News From Antiwar.com.

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