Our new film Vigilantes Inc.: America's Vote Suppression Hitmen will have its launch opening one-week-run in Hollywood September 6 -12 and a special one night opener in Oakland at the Grand Lake Theater on September 25. The film centers on a terrible new... READ MORE
This is painful. This is horrible and feels a bit like a betrayal. But I have no choice. Bobby Kennedy Jr. was my friend and co-author. We wrote stories together for Rolling Stone. Bobby introduced my New York Times bestseller and wrote a chapter for Billionaires and Ballot Bandits. And, with Jess...
It’s now or never to get your name in the credits of our new documentary, Vigilantes Inc., to show that you won’t tolerate the GOP's ugly, racist vote suppression operation. ... READ MORE
Get ready for the quiet coup in November. Donald Trump’s dreams of overturning the vote count of 2020 can now come true in 2024, thanks to a new rule passed by the new, MAGA-controlled Georgia State Board of Elections.
Let me break this down. Four years ago,... READ MORE
Trump has shot himself in the head, politically. While pundits are fixated on how Trump offended Black voters by saying Kamala Harris identified as Indian-American, not Black, they have missed The Big One... READ MORE
This week Georgia rolled out a new website where people can let the state know they’ve moved (or their relative has died) and cancel their voter registration online. The problem with the new “cancel my registration” site is that bad actors, if they know a person’s name, address, DOB, and either ... REA...