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9 recommended articles and videos in the "Filibuster" category.
1.  The filibuster killed the $35 insulin price cap  


The Editorial Board
View In: Filibuster
There would be more compromise without the Senate rule The post The filibuster killed the $35 insulin price cap appeared first on The Editorial Board..

2.  That time LBJ stopped Nixon from changing the filibuster rule  


The Editorial Board
View In: Filibuster
The ironies of history. The post That time LBJ stopped Nixon from changing the filibuster rule appeared first on The Editorial Board..

3.  Robert Reich explains why the Senate filibuster is so toxic  


View In: Filibuster
Former United States Secretary of Labor Robert Reich released a new video on Tuesday excoriating the Senate for failing to abolish the filibuster, which he explained is the reason that Congress so frequently appears to get accomplish little to nothing.Most Senate Democrats support reforming or eliminatin...

4.  Robert Reich: Understanding Why Manchin and Sinema Voted Against Voting Rights  


View In: Filibuster
Last Wednesday, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema voted against voting rights. Why?

5.  The US senate presents a long-term threat to US democracy | Thomas Zimmer  


The Guardian
View In: Filibuster
The so-called ‘world’s greatest deliberative body’ is deliberately and inherently undemocraticEnabled by Democratic senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, a united front of US Senate Republicans dealt American democracy a massive blow last week by blocking the Freedom to Vote: John R Lewis Act. Th...

6.  Where egos dare: Manchin and Sinema show how Senate spotlight corrupts | Robert Reich  


The Guardian
View In: Filibuster
The two Democratic senators chose to wreck American democracy, simply to feed their sense of their own importance What can possibly explain Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema’s decision to sink voting rights protections? Why did they create a false narrative that the legislation had to be “bipartisan” whe...

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