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Amazon Monopoly

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37 recommended articles and videos in the "Amazon Monopoly" category.
1.  Jeff Bezos Hands Dolly Parton $100 Million To Distribute Among Charities  


Zero Hedge News
View In: Amazon Monopoly
Jeff Bezos Hands Dolly Parton $100 Million To Distribute Among Charities Jeff Bezos may force his warehouse employees to pee in bottles, but when it comes to making headlines for charitable giving, the Amazon founder has scored an optics win - handing $100 million to 76-year-old country music star Doll...

2.  The Ridiculous Amazon-One Medical Deal  


Big by Matt Stoller
View In: Amazon Monopoly
Amazon bought One Medical, and then immediately closed its own provider subsidiary.

3.  Kathryn Judge: The Menace That Is Amazon and Walmart  


View In: Amazon Monopoly
Columbia Law School professor Kathryn Judge talks to Robert Scheer about the exploitation of monster behemoth retail companies revealed in her new book “Direct.”

4.  Congress Is Poised to Give Amazon and Other Corporations Massive New Subsidies  


Jacobin Magazine
View In: Amazon Monopoly
As lawmakers stall climate legislation and the Biden White House refuses to cancel student debt, Amazon and tech giants are set to score billions of dollars of new government handouts being included in an economic competitiveness bill now moving through the United States Senate. The United States Innovatio...

5.  WATCH NOW: Big Tech Says Antitrust Efforts Could “Break” Amazon Prime  


The Daily Poster
View In: Amazon Monopoly
The Lever’s new video highlights how tech companies are threatening consumers’ need for instant gratification to protect their anti-competitive behaviors.

6.  What does the Amazon Union Say about the Unionization Drive?  

They report on what Union members say about the unionisation drive. It was so funny how they lampooned the MSM attacks on the union, attacks which sadly his boomer dad had heard and repeated. Via @IndLeftNews.


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