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More than 1000 recommended articles and videos in the "All News" category.
1.  CopOut  

Paul Reviews the book CopOut, an insiders view of the failure of the COP conferences.

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Amazon and Bezos fund’s influence over carbon credit market raises alarm

Experts warn of ties between Big Tech and philanthropic bodies with groups that set corporate climate standards

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

4.  Climate finance lags, less than 5% of EMDE bank lending goes to climate projects - report - MyJoyOnline  


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Climate finance lags, less than 5% of EMDE bank lending goes to climate projects - report

Nearly 60 per cent of banks allocate less than 5 per cent of their lending to climate-related investments, while over 25 per cent do not offer any climate financing options at all in Emerging Market and Developing Economies (EMDEs)

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

5.  Soil erosion threatens California’s water supply: Study  


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Soil erosion threatens California’s water supply: Study

A recent study has found that wildfires in California are causing significant soil erosion, posing a threat to water resources and flood safety.

wildfires led to the erosion of millions of tonnes of soil. This eroded material, or sediment, was washed into streams and rivers, eventually reaching reservoirs

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

6.  Renewables meet reality: Power grid emissions rise to threaten Australia’s climate goals  


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Emissions in the electricity sector rose 1.7 per cent in the March quarter. This increase was attributed to the huge demand for electricity as households switched on their air-conditioners to ride through heatwave conditions in NSW and Queensland, which required coal and gas plants to plug supply gaps after the sun went down

Via: @Snoro@mastodon.social

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