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There is a Country that Receives $100 Million in Military Aid per Year from the Biden Administration While It Engages in Ethnic Cleansing and Literally Tries to Starve Another People to Death
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There is a Country that Receives $100 Million in Military Aid per Year from the Biden Administration While It Engages in Ethnic Cleansing and Literally Tries to Starve Another People to Death
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There is a Country that Receives $100 Million in Military Aid per Year from the Biden Administration While It Engages in Ethnic Cleansing and Literally Tries to Starve Another People to Death Not surprisingly, the main motive for the military aid is oil. The Biden administration’s hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to human rights. Nearly every day, we hear pious condemnations of Russia and China for their human rights abuses—whether in Ukraine or toward the Uyghurs—and sermons abou... By Read more at: https://UncensoredNews.US/azerbaijan #spotlight #asia #israel #middle-east #feature #north-america #united-states #iran #azerbaijan #oil-interests #turkey #foreignpolicy #military #government
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