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Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi says all the right things, but her policies are terrible, and she is so corrupt. This video shows you how nice she is, but then reminds you about how she does not accomplish any progressive progress. And then there is the issue of insider trading...

Nancy Pelosi says all the right things, but her policies are terrible, and she is so corrupt. This video shows you how nice she is, but then reminds you about how she does not accomplish any progressive progress. And then there is the issue of insider trading...


She actively works against a progressive agenda.

She does not support what 2/3 of Americans want.

Pelosi: 'I'm not a big fan of Medicare for All'
Pelosi: 'I'm not a big fan of Medicare for All'

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she is “not a big fan” of “Medicare for All,” the health care proposal advocated by progressives that has gained ground in the Democratic Party, especially among In Nancy Pelosi.

By lowering taxes on the wealthy, she gives the Republicans ammunition in the elections.

Dems Are Giving The GOP Another Political Bailout
Dems Are Giving The GOP Another Political Bailout

Somehow, giving this tiny group of rich people more tax breaks is an important priority for Democrats’ social spending reconciliation package, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In Democratic Tax Policies.

She is against forgiving student loans.

WEEKEND READER: Pelosi’s Secret Student Loan Memo
WEEKEND READER: Pelosi’s Secret Student Loan Memo

The house speaker nixed forgiving student loans after getting a key missive from billionaire donors.(Paywall) In Nancy Pelosi.

She is all in favor of allowing congressional insider trading.


And of courser her access to insider information has no impact on her husband's investments.

Nancy Pelosi's Husband is a Brilliant Investor
Nancy Pelosi's Husband is a Brilliant Investor

Nancy Pelosi's Husband Seems to be a Savant at Timing His Stock Market Trades, Beating Nearly Every Hedge Fund by 30% - The Red, White and Blue | ReTalk Blogs In Nancy Pelosi.


Please let me know what you think? Are there any links I should add? lozinski@PythonLinks.info

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