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Carbon divestments
My university just made history as the 100th UK university to divest from fossil fuels – now the remaining 53 must follow
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My university just made history as the 100th UK university to divest from fossil fuels – now the remaining 53 must follow
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My university just made history as the 100th UK university to divest from fossil fuels – now the remaining 53 must follow Today my university made history. Coventry University became the 100th UK university to cut investment ties with the fossil fuel industry. Following a student-led campaign, Coventry joined the critical mass […] The post My university just made history as the 100th UK university to divest from fossi... Read more at: https://UncensoredNews.US/carbon-divestments #climate-change #divestment #fossil-free #higher-education #comment #social-movements #students #fossil-fuels #universities #BOGA #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis
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