UncensoredNews.US --> All News --> US News --> Issues --> Information Wars --> Censorship and Propaganda --> Censorship and Propoganda By Silicon Valley --> Alleged Censorship by PayPal --> Jackson Hinkle has been Deplatformed from Paypal

Jackson Hinkle has been arbitrarily banned from PayPal & Venmo. This is an attack on his free speech & journalism.

In less than 45 days, PayPal has banned @MintPressNews , @Consortiumnews , @calebmaupin & now @wyattreed13 , @jacksonhinklle + more in a witch-hunt against antiwar journalists and outlets.

GoFundMe took down our fundraisers.

The sanctions regime is targeting its own citizens.

— Mnar Adley (@MnarMuh) June 9, 2022

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