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Censorship and Propoganda By Silicon Valley
Alleged CensorShip by big tech
As a new year dawns expect a fresh assault on big tech | John Naughton
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As a new year dawns expect a fresh assault on big tech | John Naughton
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As a new year dawns expect a fresh assault on big tech | John Naughton Democracies have finally begun to confront the internet giants and their unrivalled and untrammelled powerThe thing about history is that it sometimes repeats itself. As far as the tech industry is concerned, we saw that in the year just ended and it looks as though we’re about to see it again in th... Read more at: https://UncensoredNews.US/censorship-by-big-tech #social-networking #consciousness #technology #internet #facebook #computing #google #science #censorship #propaganda #algorithms #information
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